Sunday, 9 December 2012

Ayo, I'm tired of using technology.....

Disclosure: I just found out that it's practically impossible to talk about sex without talking about relationships and the beginning and endings and all that, so bear with me please :p
And I'm no expert, so far from it, it's kinda cute. :)

The one thing you're told if you even suggest an interest in writing anything, a novel, blog, short story, is to write what you know. So here goes nothing :p

Hands up everyone out there who the minute they found someone they were even remotely interested in, ran to their computers and 'facebook stalked' them. Every time my friends tell me they're interested in a new guy, the first words out of my mouth are "What's his facebook name?" So what do you do when they're not on facebook? Or twitter. Or Myspace. Or, hell, Google plus?

I never realised how much I relied on the internet to actually connect to people. It's like a less intrusive way of figuring out people, you can see who they talk to, what they talk about, what they like. Even talking to them is easier, you get to kinda slooowwly get to it, first by liking something they posted, then commenting on it, then posting something related, then *gasp* an actual wall post. :) There's even a formula about what you can do, and after how long you can do it. I mean, what did we do before facebook? Oh wait, we talked. I guess in a way, it's a good and bad thing, that we can use technology as kinda a dating platform. I mean, more people are turning towards online dating and finding a partner through social media is not only more popular, but more acceptable.

But, and no offence to the people who do meet others this way, isn't that the kinda chicken way to go? I mean, through the internet, you're kinda protected. You can sit in front of your computer, looking like a complete mess and rethinking everything you say. Same with emails, facebook, even sometimes texts. When I think about the number of times I've rethought and rewrote some of the bullshit crazy things that come up in my head, I realise that the person I'm talking to, who I probably really like if I'm willing to edit my craziness, doesn't really know me. The one time that I ever really felt like I connected with a person, was when I said something bat shit crazy, and he replied with something that could possibly be worse. On twitter, I don't sound like myself. You can't see the ridiculous grin that goes with half the shit I say, or the really annoying way my voice goes higher when I'm teasing people. So you don't really know me. And that means I probably don't really know you either.

Maybe it also takes the fun out of really getting to know a person. Instead of having this preconceived image of a person, based on what they like, you find out what they like in weird and fun ways. You find out they have a peanut allergy at a hospital, or you find out that they have a secret obsession with Kristin Stewart when you go to their rooms and raid their movie collection (*shudder* God Forbid). The things that make memories, well, memorable, is finding out things you never thought you would about people. Finding out that they speak Chinese at a restaurant, or that they know the lyrics to Tupac, or watch anime or can make a seriously good pie, that's stuff that you grow to love about a person. I just can't see how you can grow to love stuff you read from a list. It's just not the same. I think :)

I dunno. Maybe cause I'm in this position, I can see why it's maybe not so bad. It's harder to obsess when you don't see what the person is up to everyday. It's easier to see the person as a puzzle that you have to figure out, rather than some sort of checklist of things that he likes or does, that you sort of have to fit, or check that he fits? I dunno, I make no sense :p But it is more risky. It's more obvious if someone's not interested face to face. It's a lot more painful if someone rejects to meet up with you, as opposed to not replies your inbox.

But that's the thing about love and relationships and all that mushy crap :p. It's supposed to be a risk, right? All in or nothing?

I say all in :)

But like I said. What do I know? Feel free to correct me :p

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